Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Teenage Driver Number 2

Yesterday was Bob's birthday. He is 16. He is now out driving my car. Without me.

It's amazing how fast this time comes around. He was just a baby. See? Isn't he cute?

That was taken yesterday! Yesterday, I tell you! And now he looks WAY more like the man in that photo than the baby.

I feel so blessed to have Bob. He is a hard worker, and an all around helpful young man. I could go on and on about what a wonderful kid he is. How he's been running his own, very successful landscaping business for years, owining all his own tools and hiring his friends as contract labor.

How he bought his own truck, with his own money before he was even old enough to drive it.

How he's overcome his dyslexia to the point that he tested high enough on the entrance test at the local community college in the Fall to take College English. How he's actively persuing training for the carreer he wants when he graduates (Fireman)

How he's a man of God and leader among his peers. Sometimes I can't believe that God has blessed me with such amazing sons (his brother's has a similar list of accomplishments, but his birthday is a few weeks away, more on that later!)

Whoever said, in regards to raising children, that the days are long and the years are short knew their stuff.

And now...this. It happened overnight.


Heidi said...

It does happen overnight! I can't believe my Ashley is 16, and actually we're closing in on 17 now (November)! What a cute baby you had - but he's grown up into a very handsome young man!

Sheri said...

LOL...I hear ya sistah! I have not 2 but almost 3 drivers..here in MI you need to drive a crazy 50 hours b4 you can go get your license...but when kiddo #3 wraps up her hours and final class section...well, it will be a sad day...so I totally get what you are experiencing! But at least you now have another driver to run errands-which is so nice! :0)


Armando Codina said...

wonderful kid! i like his smile. Such a cute boy. I have one brother and he is so cute just like him.

Cindy said...

Well, I totally get what you are experiencing! But at least you now have another driver to run errands-which is so nice! thanx for the share.