Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One down...

After yesterday's panic (not the little ol' money thing. The chocolate thing!) My friend from Switzerland pointed out that Swiss chocolate is still safe to consume.


National crisis averted. Now If that pesky money thing were as simple to fix. Perhaps Washington should put my Swiss friend on it.


Happy Mommy said...

I love chocolate! What are you reading now???? I wish there were more books in our undead series! I think we can go to the twilight web site and read the first 12 chapters of a new book it is Edward's side of the story.

i am going to read Nicholas Sparks new book The Lucky One, first Sparks book ever I'll let you know what I think.

Hen Jen said...

yep, I had a moment of panic too- my main food groups are diet coke, carbohydrates and chocolate. My heart fell for a few moments, until I looked it up and found that my beloved ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips are not on the list.

would have crimped my highbrow style..the eating them straight out of the bag thing...

Halfmoon Girl said...

I have been wondering how all my American friends are coping. To add choc deprivation to your national crisis would have been too much.