Monday, March 2, 2009

The Blog, she is a changing...

So I thought it was time for a new look here on the Hilltop. If you read this blog on a feed pop on over here and tell me what you think. Too busy? Off center?

I think I like it, but tell me what you think.

I've also spruced up the Homeschool Review Blog, pop on over there next and tell me what you think.


Halfmoon Girl said...

In my defense, I am sick and have pea soup fog brain. I don't notice a big difference. Come set me straight.

JasonBecca said...

I think it looks great too - not too busy at all. I was half expecting fluorescent pink or something when you asked that :-) It's v appropriately cheery. BTW - did you find Charles Martin at the library? I just ordered another of his books for my sil to bring me!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember what it looked like before. But it looks nice now. LOL
Are you reading Charles Martin books? I zipped through those at the library. They are good.

Tricia said...

Thanks Becca. Our library has several of them. Which one would suggest to read first? Do they have to be read in order? Which one is your favorite?

Questions, questions...:)

And Jane, I may not have saved it yet when you came over. Sorry. Can you see it now? The big polka dots on the sides and the ribbon running along side?