Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our Pet Ralph

Signs of Spring in TX.


Tonya said...

Wow, that is a huge lizard! What kind is it? My kids would be trying to catch it and keep it.

Happy Mommy said...

Totally nothing to do with your lizard photo...
At what age did you notice your daughter was dyslexic? I am dyslexic, I was never diagnosed as a child and learned to cope on my own. I also homeschool and my 6 year old son, is doing some funny things, I wondered how you realized and what major or minor things stood out? If you don't mind I would love some advice. I am not sure what things are normal and what is abnormal, and being
dyslexic myself adds some fears...

Sandy said...

That's kind of creepy. Even though I would put him in our nature journals.

MaryBeth said...

Oh my goodness... that is a huge lizard!