Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What worked: 5th grade

Eve is my easiest child to teach. She loves to learn, she is bright and inquisitive. Education really comes easy for her. I am glad she is not my only child or I would be a very arrogant homeschooler!

She is the child that I find myself saying ‘please stop painting the illustrations in your book and do your school’ then I shake my head and walk away wondering what I am saying.

Language Arts – I will be using the new and improved Sonlight LA 3 with Bob & Eve. She will also be taking a writing class at Co op. She will continue to do her journal writing daily, using the Love to Learn journal I mentioned in Ann’s post.

So, the Sonlight La lasted about 6 weeks. I’m not sure if it is because it is bad persay, but because she is taking the writing class at co op and she does lots and lots of writing daily in the Journal Program.

Spelling – I don’t worry too much about spelling with Eve. She is a natural speller (See! I’d be totally arrogant if she were my only child.) She wants to do Spelling Power so she can get better. We do it as I have time.

We have done very little spelling, but she just does not need it. She pickes it up from her reading.

Math – Bob Jones 5th Grade and Calculadder

Math has gone fine but as I said in Ann’s post, we are using the Flashmaster instead of Calculadder.

History – Sonlight Core 3 along with A & G. She will read the readers aloud to A. The readers will be a bit easy for her but I will be adding more reading to her schedule with the Geography study.

This is going really well. I have her reading either the reader (too easy for her) or the read aloud, or I just get a comparable book on her reading level. She does the workbook on her own and reads the Children’s American History Encyclopedia and then narrates to me what she read.

Geography – Simply stated. I posted a while ago about this. I am very excited about this study. I think it will be a lot of fun. You can go check out that post if you like. E will be doing a lot of independent reading on the various states.

Same as Ann

Electives –

Typing – She has just started a typing program on the computer. Spell Write Type.

Spanish – We have access to the full program of Rosetta Stone through the library. It will get too tough for her pretty quickly, but for now she is having fun with it.

Same as Ann, sigh. I really need to get another typing program. She has got to learn to type.

Classes at the Homeschooling Co op –

American Girl – This is a hands-on classed based on the books. They do two dolls a year. There is also a play at the end of each semester.

She also loves this class. This is her 2nd year to take it and it is her favorite.

Writing - This is the first year she will be taking the writing class.

Eve is a very good writer, she has written several really cute stories. Her only beef with this class is there is too much report writing and not enough creative writing. (I am not complaining about this)

Science – She will be taking a hands-on science class at co op.

The science class is okay, she is too old for it, but it’s better than nothing. I think we’ll probably do one of the Apologia elementary courses next year.

Art – E is quite a talented little artist. She has been taking art classes with the same teacher at co op for 3 years. Next year will be her 4th year to take art. It is one of her favorite classes.

Art class is going really well. She has some real talent, I don’t know where she got it as it was most definitely not from me. I think we’ll always have her in an art class of some sort. She really wants to be and author/illustrator.

So there you have it. Eve’s 5th grade ‘What working’

1 comment:

Halfmoon Girl said...

My oldest son (age 8) is an "Eve"- if only all homeschoolers were so easy!