Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Moment (or two) of Silence.

I am giddy with excitement. It is a Saturday morning and I am…ALONE! D and the girls went with D’s brother and his boys to look at a new truck for B, (D’s brother B, not my car hitting teenage B) and my B and G are out working on their lawn jobs.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love my kids. I choose to keep them home all day to educate, so really, I don’t have this burning desire to be rid of them.

But sometimes…

One of the downfalls for me of homeschooling is the complete lack of solitude. My kids haven’t napped in years so that mid afternoon peace is long gone. And in the evenings when they are all in bed (which is getting later and later with teens in the house) D is home.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love D. I choose to spend my life with him after all. But oh how I long for the occasional quite moment; no one speaking, no one clomping, no one screeching, weather in glee or pain. Just peace.

AHHH, peace perfect peace.

I am going to go now and ‘Be still and know that God is God’.

Enjoy your Saturday, and may you have peace too!


justjuls said...

Oh how nice -
I understand COMPLETELY!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, yes the sound of quiet. I am having some of that right now actually. Can you hear that? Me neither. ;)